
The Significance of Maize Milling Equipment in the African Market

In Africa, maize flour is more than just a staple food; it is an essential part of daily nutrition and cultural cuisine in many countries. This high reliance on maize flour has stimulated a huge demand for efficient maize milling equipment, which plays a key role in food preparation and economic stability in the region.

Made from finely ground maize, maize flour is widely used in a variety of traditional African dishes. From the fluffy ugali of East Africa to the smooth and delicious sadza of Zimbabwe, maize flour is an integral part of the flavor and texture of these dishes. Its versatility and nutritional value make it a top choice for families.

As an important crop in Africa, the need for reliable and efficient maize milling equipment is essential. This is where companies like Hongdefa Machinery come into play, providing state-of-the-art milling technology, which is essential to producing high-quality maize flour. Hongdefa Machinery is a leading brand in the grain processing industry and has established a strong presence in Africa with its durable and efficient milling solutions.

Hongdefa's maize milling equipment are designed to handle African agricultural environments, which often involve processing large quantities of maize. Not only are these machines durable, but they also incorporate advanced technology to ensure minimal waste and maximum yield, which can reduce operating costs and increase productivity for local millers, thereby supporting the local economy and promoting food security.

In addition, the widespread use and positive response of Hongdefa Machinery in Africa can be attributed to its customer-centric approach. The company provides after-sales service and technical support to ensure that its customers can maintain continuous and effective operations. This level of support is crucial in areas where technical expertise and immediate repair services may not be readily available. They also have offices in Kenya, Ethiopia and Zambia to provide telephone or face-to-face guidance on your maize milling equipment.

In short, the popularity of maize flour in the African market highlights the importance of maize milling equipment. Companies such as Hongdefa Machinery are at the forefront of this field, providing technology that not only meets the specific needs of African mills, but also contributes to the broader goals of achieving food security and economic stability. As Africa continues to develop, the role of efficient maize milling technology will undoubtedly become more prominent and become a key factor in the agricultural and economic development of the African continent.


Characteristics of hot galvanized steel silo

 Hot galvanized steel silo plays an important role in the field of agricultural storage due to its excellent corrosion resistance and long service life. By means of hot galvanizing process, the silo of this material forms a uniform and dense zinc protective layer on the steel surface, which greatly improves its durability under various environmental conditions.


Characteristics of hot galvanized steel silo:

1. Corrosion resistance: the hot-dip galvanized coating provides excellent corrosion protection and stability even in the more chemical property storage of the material.

2. Low maintenance cost: due to the protective effect of the zinc coating, reducing the frequency of maintenance and repair, thereby reducing long-term operating costs.

3. Long Life: Hot-dip galvanized steel silos are usually designed to last no less than 25 years, or even longer with proper maintenance. Four.

4. Structural stability: Hot galvanized steel silo is designed and manufactured according to the Technical Specification for Steel Silo (GB 50884-2013) to ensure the stability and safety of the structure

5. Strong Adaptability: suitable for storage of all kinds of grains, such as wheat, maize, soybean, can adapt to different agricultural needs, keep crops fresh and quality.


As the market demand for efficient, environmental protection storage solutions, hot galvanized steel silo with its unique advantages, is expected in the future in the field of agricultural storage, especially for is in its infancy or has a scale of grain processing plants, choose the most cost-effective silo and reassuring silo partner is particularly important.

Hongdefa machinery as a professional manufacturer of maize and wheat flour equipment with preferential prices also provide customers with 100 tons to 10000 tons of silo, their company provides the silo with cleaning, drying, ventilation, temperature control system, and level indicator, etc., can effectively ensure grain freshness in the process of storage and processing, prevent grain deterioration. Your exclusive silo can be designed according to your needs, and professional engineers are responsible for the installation of the equipment and silo.


This is the silo project design drawing customized by Hongfa team for African customers, which perfectly meets the needs of its grain processing plant and ensures the consistency of production.


If you have a need for silos, or want to know more details, please contact


WhatsApp/Tel+86 137 2285 1535



 The role of silos in grain processing

Silos are commonly used equipment in grain processing plants. Why do we recommend that grain processing factories be equipped with silos? What role does it play in the factories? This article will give you the answer.

Silos are vertical structures used to store bulk grains. They play a vital role in industry and agriculture. The following features make them widely used in grain processing plants.

1. Space efficiency: Silos can efficiently utilize vertical space and save floor space, which is especially suitable for areas with limited land.

2.Grains protection: Silos can protect grains from natural factors such as weather, humidity and pests, extend the shelf life of materials, and help reduce material loss and deterioration.

3. Automated management: The silo is equipped with automated systems, such as automatic material control system, intelligent temperature measurement, humidity control and ventilation system, which realize one-key operation, greatly save manpower and time, and improve operation efficiency. Whether it is the initial cleaning, drying or subsequent storage of raw materials, the silo can provide efficient solutions.

4. Supply chain stability: In agriculture, silos can act as a buffer, balancing seasonal production with year-round demand and stabilizing the supply chain.

Overall, they not only provide the necessary storage space for grains but also help preserve their freshness and quality.

Hongdefa Machinery can provide customers with silos ranging from 100 tons to 10,000 tons to meet the needs of grain processing of different scales. With exquisite design and solid structure, it is made of hot galvanized materials, which not only guarantees 15-30 years of long-term use, but also reduces maintenance costs, ensures anti-corrosion and rust resistance and good sealing performance.

During grain processing, our silos can ensure the quality of grain and the continuity of processing, and realize the effective connection between raw material storage and processing production. In addition, the design of silos also takes into account environmental adaptability and durability to ensure stable operation under various climatic conditions.

For more information about silos,milling machines and more professional services,

please contact


WhatsApp/Tel: +86 137 2285 1535



De quel type de travailleurs les minoteries ont-elles besoin pour travailler efficacement

 La clé pour qu’une nouvelle minoterie optimise son équipement avancé et son flux de processus est de disposer d’une équipe de travailleurs qualifiés. Même si les nouvelles recrues possèdent de vastes connaissances, elles ont néanmoins besoin d'une formation spécialisée dans l'utilisation de l'équipement d'une minoterie. Le manque de formation professionnelle aura pour conséquence que les performances des équipements et les avantages des processus ne seront pas pleinement démontrés. Pour un moulin à farine nouvellement construit, si l'équipement est mis en production dès sa mise en service et que les travailleurs qualifiés ne sont pas formés, en particulier le manque de broyeurs, de tamiseurs et de nettoyeurs de farine qualifiés, cela entraînera des démarrages et des arrêts fréquents. de l'équipement, du fonctionnement L'instabilité de la logistique et l'irrégularité du flux logistique affecteront à terme la qualité du produit et affecteront ainsi le développement du marché. Par conséquent, pour les nouvelles minoteries, il est crucial de fournir une formation professionnelle aux opérateurs occupant des postes clés.


Les nettoyeurs. Dans le processus de production de farine, les nettoyeurs constituent un maillon clé pour garantir le fonctionnement efficace de l’ensemble de la chaîne de production. Le processus de broyage est un système complexe et chaque maillon a un impact direct ou indirect sur la qualité du produit final. Le rôle du nettoyeur est donc crucial dans ce processus. Afin d’assurer le bon fonctionnement de la ligne de production et la stabilité de la qualité des produits, une formation professionnelle régulière et continue des agents de nettoyage est essentielle. La formation doit couvrir les principes de fonctionnement de l'équipement, les procédures de fonctionnement correctes et les connaissances en matière de maintenance quotidienne. En plus de ces connaissances de base, formez davantage les nettoyeurs sur leur capacité à diagnostiquer et à gérer les pannes d’équipement, ainsi que sur leur capacité à résoudre divers problèmes pouvant être rencontrés dans le cadre du travail réel.

Les moulins. Les ouvriers des moulins jouent le rôle central de la technologie dans les ateliers de production de farine. Non seulement ils doivent maîtriser le fonctionnement du broyeur, mais ils doivent également maîtriser l’utilisation de tous les principaux équipements de l’atelier. Le broyeur doit avoir une compréhension approfondie de l’ensemble du processus de production et être capable d’analyser les différents problèmes qui surviennent au cours du processus de production et de proposer des solutions efficaces. L’amélioration des compétences des broyeurs repose souvent sur l’accumulation d’une expérience pratique à long terme, plutôt que sur l’acquisition du jour au lendemain, même si de solides connaissances de base sont essentielles. Pendant le fonctionnement, les broyeurs doivent ajuster de manière flexible l'état de fonctionnement du broyeur en fonction des caractéristiques des matières premières, des conditions climatiques et d'autres facteurs pour garantir une qualité constante du produit. Lorsque le meunier contrôle le broyeur, la clé est d'ajuster les paramètres clés tels que le taux de décapage et le taux d'extraction de la poudre, ainsi que de surveiller des indicateurs tels que le flux de matériaux et la valeur des cendres. La formation des broyeurs est un processus systématique et continu, généralement divisé en trois étapes : premièrement, l'apprentissage théorique, qui nécessite au moins cinq mois d'apprentissage systématique ; deuxièmement, la pratique de la production, y compris la perception par l'ouïe, la vision et le toucher. équipement et changements de matériaux ; enfin, à travers des opérations pratiques, nous approfondissons notre compréhension de l'effet de broyage et de l'effet de criblage.

Les tamiseurs. Les ouvriers tamiseurs jouent un rôle essentiel dans la production de farine, et leur niveau technique est juste derrière celui des ouvriers meuniers. Un travailleur qualifié en matière de criblage de poudre doit avoir une compréhension approfondie du chemin de la poudre et du chemin de criblage, et être capable d'acquérir une compréhension tridimensionnelle de ces connaissances dans son esprit, ainsi qu'une compréhension approfondie du flux de matériaux et du processus de traitement. dans chaque lien. Ils doivent non seulement avoir une compréhension approfondie des fonctions et des principes des grilles de tamis, mais également être capables d'utiliser ces connaissances de manière flexible pour découvrir et corriger les erreurs de placement des grilles de tamis, et effectuer des ajustements en fonction des besoins de production pour obtenir le meilleur effet de poudre de tamisage. . Les agents de criblage de poudre doivent recevoir une formation de base sur les routes de poudre et les routes de criblage avant de prendre officiellement leurs fonctions. Cette formation comprend non seulement l'apprentissage de connaissances théoriques, mais également le développement de compétences pratiques. Ce n'est qu'après avoir pleinement maîtrisé ces connaissances de base que les opérateurs de criblage de poudre peuvent entrer dans l'atelier pour des opérations réelles et approfondir davantage leur compréhension et leur maîtrise du processus de criblage de poudre par la pratique.


Les purificateurs. Les nettoyeurs de farine sont des professionnels chargés de faire fonctionner les nettoyeurs de farine. Ils jouent principalement un rôle dans le processus de nettoyage de la farine lors de la transformation de la farine. La fonction du purificateur de farine est de purifier davantage les matières grossières et le noyau de blé, et en séparant les impuretés telles que les résidus de blé et le son cassé, de fournir des matières premières plus pures pour le système de broyage à cœur ultérieur, garantissant ainsi la qualité et le rendement de la farine. Le travail quotidien d'un nettoyeur de poussière comprend une surveillance étroite du fonctionnement du nettoyeur de poussière, en particulier des brosses de nettoyage dans la zone d'alimentation. Ils doivent garantir que la puissance d'aspiration de la chambre d'aspiration est uniformément répartie et que la force du vent est ajustée de manière appropriée pour garantir que le matériau peut se répandre uniformément sur la surface du tamis et former un état flottant. De cette façon, les impuretés légères telles que les petites particules de gluten peuvent être aspirées par le conduit d'air, tandis que le matériau situé à l'orifice de décharge doit maintenir une pureté élevée. Selon l'état réel du matériau, le nettoyeur en poudre doit également distribuer raisonnablement les matériaux criblés au système correspondant afin d'optimiser l'ensemble du processus de nettoyage en poudre. Afin d'être qualifiés pour cette responsabilité, les nettoyeurs de poudre doivent recevoir une formation professionnelle avant de prendre officiellement leurs fonctions, et apprendre les principes de fonctionnement, les connaissances en matière d'entretien et les compétences de manipulation du matériel du nettoyeur de poudre pour garantir qu'ils peuvent utiliser et ajuster habilement l'équipement. le processus.


Les opérateurs PLC Les opérateurs de systèmes de contrôle automatisés, en particulier les automates programmables (PLC), jouent un rôle clé dans l'automatisation de la production de farine. Le PLC peut contrôler automatiquement le démarrage et l'arrêt de l'équipement en fonction des besoins du processus de production de farine. Il peut également contrôler avec précision le démarrage et l'arrêt d'un équipement mono-machine et surveiller l'état de fonctionnement de l'équipement en temps réel. Lorsque des problèmes tels qu'un blocage de matériau sont détectés, le système PLC peut émettre une alarme à temps et émettre automatiquement une commande d'arrêt pour empêcher l'équipement affectant la qualité du produit de continuer à fonctionner et garantir que les opérateurs puissent effectuer rapidement des réparations. Les opérateurs d'automates programmables doivent posséder des connaissances et des compétences de base en matière d'exploitation informatique, notamment une familiarité avec les opérations informatiques de base et une certaine base théorique informatique. Grâce à une formation professionnelle, ils doivent être capables d'effectuer habilement l'exploitation et la maintenance quotidiennes des automates et de gérer les défauts simples courants des systèmes automates. Une telle formation améliore non seulement le niveau technique des opérateurs, mais garantit également la stabilité et l'efficacité du processus de production.


Pour résumer, les travailleurs recrutés par les nouvelles moulins à farine doivent subir une formation professionnelle avant de travailler.


Toutes les photos d'équipement dans l'article proviennent de Hongdefa Machinery. Pour plus d'informations sur les équipements de mouture du maïs et du blé,

veuillez contacter


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What is the power request about the flour mill plant?

1. Power supply

As flour mill operates continuously for a long time, the requirements of power supply are relatively high. Firstly, it must ensure the long-term stability of the power, especially in the flour milling process, and do not cut off the power. Next, the voltage is must stable, otherwise, it will damage the motor of electrical equipment.

2. Transformer

To build a new flour mill factory, you should select a transformer that matched the total power of the equipment. And you should place the transformer as close to the electrical equipment as possible to avoid power attenuation when the cable is too long. The input and output voltage of the transformer must be determined by the local exact data. Otherwise, the transformer cannot be working. The transformer is shown in the figure below:
the transformer of flour mill machine
the transformer of flour mill machine

3. Generator

You can consider adding a generator if the local power supply cannot meet the normal production needs. You should select the generator according to the total power of the equipment. Currently, there are silent auxiliary facilities and an automatic transform system of generators. So it has no impact on the surrounding environment. The generator is shown in the figure below:
the generator of flour mill machine
the generator of flour mill machine

4. Stabilizer

In order to prevent the flour mill from sudden power failure which will damage the equipment, you can consider adding the stabilizer. It ensures the equipment will be stopped gradually and avoid damage. The stabilizer is shown in the figure below:
the stabilizer of flour mill machine
the stabilizer of flour mill machine

5. Motor

The flour mill is a system engineering. The type of equipment and the power of the motor is different. So you should try to select the national standard professional manufacturers, and avoid non-standard non-professional manufacturers. The Chinese standard motor is good for environmental protection and energy-saving, It plays a good role in reducing the power consumption per ton of flour in flour mill factories.

Miya Tian from Hongdefa for wheat flour mill machine and maize flour mill machine. My WhatsApp is +86 153 2112 7991. Website: www.hdfmill.com


How to invest and build your own mill?

 How to invest and build your own mill

Although there are many flour mills on the market, the high demand for all kinds of flour makes it still profitable to develop a flour business by establishing small or medium-sized flour mills. Especially in the current post-epidemic era, countries are promoting the development of the grain industry, and the African grain industry has great potential, and there is also a great demand for wheat flour and corn flour. So now it is a great opportunity to invest in a flour mill of our own.


Moreover, there are not many things to consider when setting up a mill of your own. There are only four things: land, labor, raw grain, and equipment. Among them, the first three are relatively simple. For those with investment intentions, the harder one is the last and most important thing, which is flour processing machinery.


Now there are too many substandard grains processing machinery on the market that confuses investors. This has also led to the choice of a good flour processing plant is a very headache. Then some people may ask, why should the flour machine processors are selected? is it necessary? Let me tell you: It is very necessary to choose a good flour machinery manufacturer to carry out long-term cooperation. Because it's not like you don't need after-sales service after buying small commodities. What you are going to buy is a large-scale flour processing production line. You will also need a series of after-sales services such as installation, commissioning, spare parts and so on. So it is necessary to choose a good flour machine processor. So how to choose? Let me tell you next.


The first point is that you have to inspect this flour machinery manufacturer from many aspects, such as its product quality and reputation. Because the flour processing production line produces grain, it must establish a complete product quality assurance system and quality control index system throughout the production process, have product quality assurance institutions and inspection and laboratory facilities, and maintain a good product quality credit record. For example, our "HONGDEFA MACHINERY" has various certificates, such as SGS, ISO, etc. to ensure the quality of the flour machinery we produce.

The picture above is part of the certificate of our " HONGDEFA MACHINERY ".

Our " HONGDEFA MACHINERY " has been making flour machinery of nearly 40 years, and our products sell well in Africa, South America, Asia and other places. Especially in Africa, almost every country has our equipment. And over the past few decades, our customers have only praised us. This is a symbol of the strength of an excellent flour machinery manufacturer.


The second point are to see whether this flour machinery manufacturer is a factory or a trading company. I suggest you choose a flour machine manufacturer with its own factory. For example, our " HONGDEFA MACHINERY " has its own factory.



There are many advantages of having your own factory. Firstly, it can save you an intermediary fee. Secondly, when you are in the factory, the delivery time and the price are more convenient to talk about. Finally, you can also come to our factory to check our qualities. Wait,these are things that a single trading company can't do.


Customers come to our factory for inspection pictures

The third point is to look at the after-sales service of this flour machinery manufacturer. For example, our“HONGDEFA MACHINERY ” professional technicians provide instructions in installing, debugging machines, building plants, and silos. Training will help ensure the normal operation of equipment and reduce downtime. In this way, the quality of the finished product will be guaranteed. We can also help transform the old factory building according to the customer's situation.

And our professional technical team can help customers efficiently solve any problems of flour production. We can check the equipment regularly and provide you with equipment operation guidance when you need it.

And we have three offices in Africa, namely Ethiopia, Zambia, and Uganda. If there is any problem, we can help you solve it quickly. This is also not available in other flour machine manufacturers.


The above is all the conditions for selecting a long-term cooperation flour machine manufacturer. If you have any needs, please contact us directly, and we will keep in touch with you in 24 hour



How to invest in the post-pandemic era

How to invest in the post-pandemic era 

Introduction: The UNCTAD report shows that due to the new crown epidemic, the scale of global direct investment will drop significantly in 2020-2021. The sudden outbreak of the new crown epidemic has affected the overseas investment activities of global companies to a greater extent. Cross-border investors should always remain cautious about the changes brought about by the new crown epidemic. 

As the new crown epidemic is rapidly raging in the world and causing serious health incidents, all countries have adopted strict epidemic control measures. Globally, investors and invested companies in various countries are affected by the new crown epidemic, and the control measures in various countries have actually restricted the flow of capital and personnel, which has a direct impact on all aspects of cross-border investment and will have a continuous impact.

Therefore, the impact on the new crown epidemic is likely to persist with a long time after the epidemic is completely over. Therefore, in this severe era, choosing a good investment project is the top priority. 

In the short term, due to the extensive liquidity of the epidemic last year, we have seen the birth of the Sci-tech Innovation Board and some institutional innovations and changes in the capital market. This is very friendly to the capital market and asset management institutions. Especially in the fields of new energy and medical treatment. It will take time to digest the high valuation. This year is generally a volatile market, with structural opportunities. 

In the long run, both the energy structure and the demographic structure will have great changes, so many investors are preparing to get in touch with these emerging industries. However, from the perspective of the life cycle of the industry, most of these emerging industries are not sustainable, because almost all growth industries will eventually become normal industries, and all high valuations will eventually become low valuations. This is the fate of all companies. The market has given relatively high expectations, but if the enthusiasm drops in the future, it may not be able to achieve better returns.

Then many investors will ask, in the current post-epidemic era, which industries are better? Here, my answer is: the food industry. Because food is the foundation of people's livelihood. For the country, grain reserves are a preventive governance method. Sufficient food reserves are a solid guarantee of a country in special times such as various disasters and wars. The same is true of investors. Moreover, the potential for the African food industry is huge, and investing in this industry is even more a wise decision. 

After determining the investment industry, choosing a trading partner should be more cautious. Due to some restrictions brought about by the epidemic, it has become more difficult for investors to have an in-depth and thorough understanding of trading partners, counterparties, and advisory teams. In particular, there may be a lack of face-to-face communication. Therefore, when choosing to trade partners and advisory teams Should be more cautious.

Just like our company "Hongdefa Machinery" has been in the African market for decades, before the outbreak of the epidemic, we would visit our customers in Africa every year and would also help our customers who have sold the equipment to maintain their equipment for free. We also have our own overseas offices in Africa, Zambia, Uganda, and Ethiopia, which is undoubtedly one of our huge advantages. 

Although the sluggish market trading environment and various uncertainties have been brought about by the epidemic, we have not been greatly affected. When the epidemic began to isolate at home, our leaders made the right decision. We began to implement online meetings to communicate with our customers, and our technicians and managers were on the opposite side of the camera to answer customer questions. Facts have proved that our decision is correct. In this era, we still win the hearts of many customers with our excellent quality.


Customers and our video conference


Since the beginning of 2020 until now, all the customers who have invested in the milling plant have given us positive feedback. You read it right, it's all! This also suffices to prove that the grain industry is very stable and will not have the same ups and downs as some other industries.


I think valuation is the result of market transactions, and it reflects the different expectations of the market for the future. The market is completely uncertain, but one thing is that the food industry is very important and important at all times. We at Hongdefa and our customers have had a difficult two years, and we cannot predict when the epidemic will completely end. Therefore, we suggest that you invest in a mill of your own, so that you will have confidence in your heart no matter when.


Finally, welcome to call us, trust me, this will be one of the most correct decisions you have ever made.


Phone/Whatsapp: +8615321127991

